Über uns The institute of special diagnostics is your expert for the lab diagnostics in the area of the steroid hormone regulation from salivary material. Since the foundation in 2008 the ISD lab has taken a senior position in the salivary hormone regulation! Because we have specialised in this area of the lab diagnostics, we dispose in particular of long-standing experience in the analytic range of application of the hormone regulations from salivary material (lat. = Saliva). The cooperation with worldwide leading manufacturers and suppliers from in vitro Diagnostika (IvD) to test systems protects our high claim to constantly highly qualified analytics.
The spectrum of used test methods (EIA technology) encloses the following parametres: - Estradiol in Saliva - Progesteron in Saliva - Estriol in Saliva - Testosteron in Saliva - DHEA in Saliva - Cortisol in Saliva - Melatonin in Saliva - 17-OH-Progesteron in Saliva - Androstendion in Saliva
The ISD lab has the legal form of a single enterprise. The management of the lab undertakes to fulfil the demands of the valid German Institute for Standardization EN ISO 15189 and the relevant legal and official regulations and rules by the planning, realisation, evaluation and assessment of investigations to do justice to the demands of the customers and the society with the necessary investigations

® ISD Labor 2018